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Case Studies

My Experience of Volunteering in A&E at St Richards Hospital

My Experience of Volunteering in A&E at St Richards Hospital

Volunteering in A&E Since becoming a volunteer in A&E at St Richard’s Hospital, I have learnt so much about how to help people and my local community. I was encouraged…

Find Out More About The Benefits of The National Volunteer Certificate (NVC)

Find Out More About The Benefits of The National Volunteer Certificate (NVC)

National Volunteer Certificate (NVC) The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust voluntary services was involved in the HEE pilot for the National Volunteer Certificate (NVC). As an additional way to support…

Heart-warming Stories from Norwich & Norfolk University Hospitals Amazing Butterfly Volunteers

Heart-warming Stories from Norwich & Norfolk University Hospitals Amazing Butterfly Volunteers

An Emotional Goodbye We visited Mr K for the first time on Friday 10th December. He was very sleepy but responsive to the Butterflies presence however was unable to communicate…

Volunteer Service Coordinator

Volunteer Service Coordinator

The best part of my role is that I get to work with brilliant, friendly, and interesting volunteers and inspirational members of staff from all walks of life. Without volunteers,…

Voluntary Services Manager Bedfordshire Hospitals NHSFT

Voluntary Services Manager Bedfordshire Hospitals NHSFT

Working as a VSM can be such a rewarding role. We get to meet lots of different people – people with hearts of gold who genuinely want to make a…

Volunteer Services Coordinator at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Volunteer Services Coordinator at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Engaging with volunteers is the most enjoyable part of my role, getting to know a variety of different volunteers and what motivates them to give up their time. Each volunteer…


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